I like to collect stories
It's kind of lonely working from home all day. If you come across this page, email me the answers to as many questions as you like.
- What did you have for lunch today?
- What are your favorite patterns?
- What's something you've noticed that nobody else seems to notice?
- Have you invented anything? Or even come up with an idea for an invention?
- How will you die? What do you want your funeral to be like?
- What do you do when you're at the beach?
- What was your favorite home-cooked meal from your childhood?
- How do you know when you're in love?
- What's a video game, book, movie, etc. that you really like? Tell me all about it.
- Have you ever seen someone die?
- What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you now?
- How do you typically find and make friends?
- What's your favorite Wikipedia page?
Questions For People Older than Me:
One of my favorite resources of information is listening to people older than me, especially those around in the 80's and 90's. Those two decades are too recent to be taught in school, so I never really learned about them or what it was like to be alive during then.
- Do you remember Y2K? Where you scared? What did you do to prepare?
- Where you in any AOL chatrooms? Did you have any friends you only knew online?
- Do you know anyone who died of AIDS? How did you learn about the disease?
- What was the ugliest clothing/hair trend you participated in?
- What kind of music did you listen to?
- How did you (specifically) make friends before the age of cell phones? Where did you go, and what did you do?
- Does the current generation (Gen Z) make you overall sad, or hopeful? Are you proud of us, or dissapointed? What do you wish we did differently?
- What did you get in trouble for as a kid that nobody cares about today?
- Did you ever overhear something on the news as a kid that scared you and made you worried?